EagleEye: Image Recognition Tool [FB, YT, Instagram, Twitter]

Last Commit: 10/19/2021

EagleEye: Image Recognition Tool [FB, YT, Instagram, Twitter]

EagleEye is an image recognition tool that allows you to track the person over social media. All you need is at least one image of someone for who you are looking for and a name or a little clue about name of that person. When you enter this data into EagleEye, it will try to find the profiles and accounts over the Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram related to searched person.

EagleEye: Image Recognition and Reverse Image Search Tool

EagleEye basically performs face or image recognition over the provided image. When you enter the data such as name and a picture of a person with image recognition, it also matches the name on the social media like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. When it finds relevant results in the type of user profiles, it shows these results to its user. It can also search through secured and hidden profiles of persons on the social media.

If EagleEye finds any profile, for example a Facebook one, it will compare profile pictures with the given images. After verifying the data, it will provide a pdf report.


  • Image recognition | Face recognition | Facebook | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter

Supported Platforms:

  • Linux



  • A system with Linux having x-server
  • Installed Firefox

Without docker:

  • Python 3.6+
  • Python’s pip

With Docker:

  • Only docker

Install EagleEye

Docker (preferred)

Confirm that you have installed docker on your system and you are using Linux distribution like a host.

Clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/ThoughtfulDev/EagleEye
$ cd EagleEye 
$ sudo docker build -t eagle-eye - < dockerfile 
– After that, create two folders with the name known and result on your computer.
– Then, make sure you add pictures of known person into the folder with the name known.
– Make sure you’ve changed the name of searching person in entry.sh
– Begin the container. Edit the paths:
$ sudo docker run -t --net=host --env="DISPLAY" \
                           --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw"  \
                           -v  /path/to/known:/EagleEye/known \
                           -v  /path/to/result:/result \
                           -v /path/to/EagleEye/Repository/entry.sh:/entry.sh \

The results will show in /path/to/result.

Automated Prerequisites Installation

If the docker doesn’t work, you can run automated prerequisites installation:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ThoughtfulDev/EagleEye/master/install.sh && chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh

Manual Prerequisites Installation

Debian-based Distros

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
$ sudo apt install git python3 python3-pip python3-dev
$ sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libboost-all-dev build-essential cmake libffi-dev
$ git clone https://github.com/ThoughtfulDev/EagleEye
$ cd EagleEye && sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade beautifulsoup4 html5lib spry

Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -Syu
$ sudo pacman -S git python python-pip gtk3 boost cmake libffi
$ git clone https://github.com/ThoughtfulDev/EagleEye
$ cd EagleEye && sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade beautifulsoup4 html5lib spry

EagleEye Configuration

– Change the value in config.json to the path of the geckodriver.
– Put at least one Image of the Person you want to find in the known folder.


$ python3 eagle-eye.py

To list all available options, use -h:

$ python3 eagle-eye.py -h
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