Penetration Testing Framework – DarkSpiritz

Penetration Testing Framework – DarkSpiritz


DarkSpiritz is a penetration testing framework for Linux, MacOS and Windows systems, created by SecTel Team. Users familiar with another penetration testing framework known as Metasploit, will find DarkSpiritz very easy to setup and use.

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DarkSpiritz: Penetration Testing Framework [Linux, MacOS, Windows]

DarkSpiritz is a re-vamp of the very popular framework known as Roxysploit. It is similar to Metasploit Framework, so if you know how to use Metasploit setting up, working with DarkSpiritz will be smooth and easy. With DarkSpiritz you’ll get access to basic payload, but also to 1337 h4xx0r tools, a lot of plugins including exploits, multi and utilities.

All information related to plugins, you’ll find inside framework. For available third-party plugins it may be better to refer to official GitHub page/docu for the specific plugin.


  • Python 3 support
  • Real Time Updating of Configuration
  • Never a need to restart the program even when adding plugins or editing them.
  • Easy to use UX
  • Multi-functionality


DarkSpiritz requires a few prerequisites, but if you are using Kali Linux or Parrot, everything you need comes preinstalled.

  • Python 2.6+
  • All from the requirements.txt file (impacket, pysmb, pycrypto, paramiko, scapy, whois, requests 2.20.0, terminaltables 3.1.0, configparser 3.5.0)


First you’ll need to clone repo with git:

$ git clone

Then run the following to install pre-reqs:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

After you’ve installed all necessary modules, you can run:

$ ./
Note: If ./ doesn’t work, run chmod +x from within the same directory as DarkSpiritz.

The DarkSpiritz will automatically start after installation. It will immediately create a log file which can be viewed in storage/logs/logname.log. Log file will record all entries and outputs of specific DarkSpiritz session.

In case  you forget a password, IP or something else, you’ll be able to check the logs and to retrieve forgotten information. To set configuration settings, you can do it inside the config.xml file itself or through commands in the DarkSpiritz shell.


To see available commands, just type help or ?:

Command                  Descriptions
help or ?                Display this menu
set <value>              Set value in your loaded configuration
addkey <key>             Ad a custom key to your config. May be needed in some plugins
show                     Show plugin categories
show <category>          Show plugins inside that category
info <category/plugin>   Show description of plugin
use <category/plugin>    Use plugin inside a certain category
reset                    Set all values in your loaded configuration
session                  Show current configuration
clear                    Clear terminal screen
run                      Run a bash command
restart                  Restart Framework

To list all plugin folders run show. Default plugin folders:

  • Exploits, Multi, Payload, Utilities

Plugin usage example:

$ use <category/plugin> executed

Once you run execute the plugin will load configuration and ask you for confirmation to start running the plugin. Just press enter to start it.

Simple plugin creation

You can create your own plugin in no time. DarkSpiritz provides a module, for easier setup/configuration.

You can create plugin inside default plugin folders, but you can also make a new folder with custom name. Just make sure that your newly created folder has and plugin_support.pyc files, in order to successfully import it.

Make file with the .plugin extension. It should look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Required
Description = 'Description of Plugin' # Required
from pluginsupport import * # Required
import # Import any modules you need to for your python script.

# Python Script

That’s it. Now you can experiment… For further information about plugin creation and available functions inside, click the “documentation” button below.

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