WebKiller: Information Gatherer Written in Python

Last Commit: 04/27/2022

WebKiller: Information Gatherer Written in Python

Webkiller is a tool which allows the user to find different information about any domain. With this tool, the user can find the hosting information of an IP address, perform a reverse IP lookup or check the CMS of a website.

WebKiller: A Tool for Information Gathering Written in Python

After running Webkiller, the user must choose from 2 options, Information gathering or CMS detection. Within Information gathering, the user will see 12 additional options ranging from ‘Bypass Cloudflare’ to ‘Admin page finder’. All these options perform various tasks, which allow the user to effectively extract all the necessary information about the domain. The ’CMS detection’ option allows the user to see which plugins are running on a WordPress CMS domain or what is the username of the owner of any WordPress CMS domain.


  • 12 useful tools included to find information
  • Possible to scan for ports on a server
  • Perform reverse IP lookup
  • Check WordPress plugins running on a website

Tested on:

  • Kali Linux 2020.1
  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu 19.10


  • Python 3

Install Webkiller

Clone the GitHub repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/ultrasecurity/webkiller.git

Navigate to the working directory and install the requirements:

$ cd webkiller
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Webkiller Usage

Enter the following command:

$ python3 webkiller.py
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 **                  WebSite : UltraSec.org                        **
 **                  Channel : @UltraSecurity                      **
 **                 Developers : Ultra Security Team                            **
 **               Team Members : Ashkan Moghaddas , Behzad Khalifeh , AmirMohammad Safari           **
 **                   Thank's : .::Shayan::.                       **
 [卐] Choose one of the options below 

 [1] Information Gathering

 [2] CMS Detection

 [3] Developer :)

 [4] Exit . . .

 └──╼ 卐 

Options/Tools Available

[1] - Bypass Cloud Flare
[2] - Cms Detect
[3] - Trace Toute
[4] - Reverse IP
[5] - Port Scan
[6] - IP location Finder
[7] - Show HTTP Header
[8] - Find Shared DNS
[9] - Whois
[10] - DNS Lookup
[11]- Robots Scanner
[12] - Admin Page Finder
[13] - Back To Menu
[14] - Exit :)
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