Vuls: v0.15.0

01/12/2021 11:52 pm

Vuls: v0.15.0


0b55f94 Improve implementation around config (#1122)
a67052f fix(scan): err detecting EOL for alpine Linux (#1124)
6eff6a9 feat(report): display EOL information to scan summary (#1120)
69d32d4 feat(report): add a err code to API error (#1119)
d7a613b chore: go mod update (#1118)
669c019 fix(cvecontent) Fixed not to split empty string (#1117)
fcc4901 fix(scan): Failed to parse CentOS Stream (#1098)
4359503 fix(redhat): possibility of false positives on RHEL (#1115)
b13f93a feat(scan): support dnf modules (#1114)
8405e0f refactor(gost): Duplicate code into function (#1110)
aceb3f1 fix(scan): add an error case for rpm -qa (#1109)
a206675 fix(wordpress): remove cache because not permitted. (#1107)
f4253d7 fix(wordpress): unmarshal error (#1106)
aaea15e refactor(report): remove Integration.apply (#1105)

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