Vuls: v0.15.4

01/27/2021 6:37 am

Vuls: v0.15.4


a8c0926 fix(saas) change saas upload s3 key (#1116)
dd2959a fix(eol): add eol for alpine 3.13 (#1149)
51099f4 fix(tui): runtime panic when tui with docker-base-setup (#1148)
63f170c fix(report): set severity in Red Hat OVAL to both CVSS v3 and v2 #1146 (#1147)
3c1489e feat(report): range notion calc by severity when no-cvss-score (#1145)
e4f1e03 feat(github): display GitHub Security Advisory details (#1143)
83d48ec Create codeql-analysis.yml

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